21:21 thinking of you.
And o! The times spent
The length to which we went
Each our own way
To close our eyes and
I would never.
Be here. On time.
Just the thought of you.
21:22 and the dread of desertion.
I will wait to post it.
I'm needy you don't need that.
It's not passive agressive it's
Unprotected intertextuality.
Sit, Think, Feel, Understand
You don't know.
You don't have to say you don't know.
You just. Maybe. Why not?
And here I am. Cloistered in silence.
Removed from the world, yes this world,
Where do you think we are?
In digital space, no one can hear you.
So just. For once. Please?
Your grain of salt is giving me a migraine.
No one hears you. We're just sick of you. Because of you.
And no one hears #metoo.
Killing us and our voices. Pollutant background noise.
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