Treasure the lies


Treasure the lies I bestow upon you.
Fool's gold only for those going backwards

Trust the way to the end of the forest, friends' crumbs
To help you steer me away
From the white heat of the pavement out

Only the truths unsaid I share to the river
It hasn't answered. I wait for spring to carry me away.

Still, if you follow to the heart's end you will know
I hate feeling the way I feel, and I would love telling you.

Have you heard it before? The screams helf back, they echo in hollow stone.

Keep my lies within reach, they will help always,
Remember no truth but my fear of disappointing you.
The crumbs are running away, my body washed away by
Wind awry, an imagination for the lost and lost again
Salt statue longing for the city never found

Treasure the lies
28 août 2024
Poésies d'Instagram


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